Sunday, February 14, 2010

Socio-Economic struggle of Indians

As we feel proud to have done away with the recession, there are close to 30% of our fellow Indians who struggle for the "Do waqt ki roti". This figure has improved from 60% in 1980 but its not enough.It is also important to mention that states like Bihar and Orissa are worse than others.The pertinent question to be asked here is - when will we be able to get happiness to these homes.From the perspective of an Indian, while the government tries to have social welfare schemes and there are NGOs working for the cause, the change wont be visible unless we support it.
I have been out of India for almost 7yrs now and feel that there would be many others like me who feel this need and have a desire to help.The idea here is not to point out mistakes and target people but how to contirbute in making the India of our dreams where foreigners,NRIs and others coming to our motherland dont feel pity at the poor of our country.Its a call for generating ideas and provoke thought from our fellow not-so-deprived Indians and people around the world for a cause which the wrold needs to pay attention to. I might not be the first one to do this and definitely not the last one but yes, I feel the need for doing this and would like every Indian to share the same.
It is not surprising that a third of world's poor live in India and we all need to pitch in with our efforts.I would definitely like to mention here about a friend of mine - Vivek Gupta who has ventured out to provide electricity at cheap rates from bio-mass to the people of Bihar.The effort is there and the intention clear and I would call upon people to support this noble cause.Vivek has been appluaded for his work not only in India but also in UK. His web site address is and you can have a look at what he does.

Since, this is my first post and i dont want to sound too dramatic, i would like to end with the following thoughts -(a) Order food that is sufficient for you to eat, please dont waste (b) There's no harm in taking the excess food back home and asking for a parcel.After all you've paid for it. (c) Turn off the electricity while leaving your home.Save when and where you can (d) Turn off your computer if you are not using it (e) Save fuel -turn off your engines at the red light (f) Turn off the air conditioner when you step out.

To do or not to do is up to us and i'm no preacher.I will do it, will YOU.

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